Are you a beginner to the vaping world? Check out all the facts that you should know.
If you are reading this, it is fair to say that you are either new to vaping, want to learn how to vape, or are intrigued about vaping. Our team at Chase My Cloud has compiled the facts you should certainly know. In order to give you an accurate and valid understanding of this rapidly growing alternative to smoking, our goal for this is to explain vaping and its various aspects.
So, what is vaping?
Vaping is the name given to the use of a personal vaporizer or electronic cigarette. A “smoker” is someone who uses regular nicotine cigarettes and they “smoke” cigarettes. A “vaper” is someone who uses an e-cigarette and they “vape” their e-cigarette or personal vaporizer.
Now naturally, you will want to know, e-cigarette? What in the world is that and where did they come from?
E-Cigarettes or Personal Vaporizers are a product that vaporises “e-liquid”-a combination of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin (we will get to these later), food flavourings, and sometimes nicotine to give us an alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes.
So the first e-cigarettes were produced in 2003 by a Chinese pharmacist, Hon Lik, and the market has expanded rapidly since then. There is a huge selection of vapour devices available today, ranging from humble e-cigarettes to advanced personal vaporizers with high wattage. All of the early devices were manufactured in China, but are now produced worldwide by large and small businesses.
Although nearly all of the early devices resembled conventional cigarettes, because of the lack of variation and features, early e-cigarette consumers frequently tweaked or developed their own devices. This has had a two-part, enduring impact. One is that a significant majority of vapour systems are now more widely referred to as “Mods,” short for adapted or modifiable, and second is that e-cigarette firms will have to produce a range of devices as varied and intuitive as the population that uses them if they were to stay competitive and continue selling goods.
Now, coming on to the anatomy of the e-cigarette, let's break it down to give you a better understanding.
There are a few items in common with all vapour devices, considering the broad range available today. To heat a wire coil, all vapour devices use a lithium battery at their simplest. To pull the e-liquid into the coil, a wick is used. It vaporises as the e-liquid is ignited by the coil and can then be inhaled in a manner comparable to smoking. However, that is generally where the similarities end.
Starting off with the devices, we are sure you already know that there is a vast variety out there.
Vaping devices can come in a wide range of colours and shapes that often depend on their particular uses. Some may look like conventional cigarettes, while others may look like a pen, tube, box, or other types, but in the end, they all have the same function. To take the electricity that the battery provides to send it to the atomizer.
Now you might think about what the atomizer is. Don’t worry, we have got you covered.
One or more resistance wire coils and their wick(s) are housed in this heat resistant part, often with some form of reservoir to hold e-liquid. Atomized cartridges (obsolete), Cartomizers, Clearomizers, Rebuildable Tank Atomizers, Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers, Dual Atomizers (Genesis Atomizers and Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizers) are the many different types of atomizers. Each has its own particular combination of benefits and drawbacks.
The main component is the e-liquid or e-juice. Let’s talk about that now.
This is a solution that consists of propylene glycol, food flavourings, vegetable glycerin, and sometimes nicotine. This liquid can come in a number of proportions of PG / VG and strengths of nicotine. Generally, most tobacco smokers transitioning to e-cigarettes would start using elevated nicotine juices over time and transfer to lower intensity juices. For most users, it is normal to start using concentrations as high as 18 mg/ml (heavy smokers as high as 24 mg/ml) but often turn to 12 mg/ml e-liquids for their enhanced taste soon. We do not consider using e-liquid with a nicotine intensity above 18 mg / ml. In truth, we strongly suggest using the minimum nicotine strength needed to satisfy your nicotine cravings because it improves flavour as the content of nicotine is reduced.
The battery is perhaps the most critical part, obviously, how will the vape work otherwise?
Although a large majority of certain systems use a non-replaceable internal battery, one or two replaceable rechargeable high-drain batteries are used.
So now we have the battery, the device, what else is needed? Coils!
These are small pieces of resistance wire that are designed to imitate a spring in a coil shape. The wire type used, the coil diameter, and the number of wraps will all affect the resistance of the coil. Resistance is what defines the amount of energy it takes to fuel it and the quantity of heat it produces. Coils are usually produced from Kanthal and NiChrome, and more recently from Nickel, and are considered the easiest to use for vaping.
Are you ready to make the switch? We are here for you!
Hopefully, you will know how e-cigarettes, personal vaporizers, and other vapour systems operate in theory after reading this. Understand the elements and what they’re doing. Congratulations, now that you are about to get vaping. If you are either confused or unsure of what to do or what devices to buy or use, don’t worry. Chase My Cloud is more than happy to explain your questions and help lead you to the things you need, with helpful knowledge and our professional team.